knertz / decorative stamp night with a band of buriers, james reindeer, babelfishh and oskar ohlson and winterismyname am Montag, 6. August / BARON, Uni Campus / Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 3 / 20:30 Uhr
knertz and decorative stamp proudly present a once in a lifetime musical spectacular. for one night only catch london, england’s rogue toffs a band of buriers alongside croydon, south london’s own jamesreindeer, boldly joined by houston, texas‘ babelfishh and mainz‘ own winterismyname and oskar ohlson
one would be staggeringly mad with idiocy or wildly incapacitated to not find themselves in attendance for what shall surely prove to be a musical jamboree that shall go down in infamy. get deeply involved and writhe in the majesty and madness.
